Equal Opportunities: Reasonable Adjustments Policy

Aim and remit of policy

Two Harcourt Buildings is a service provider within the meaning of the Equality Act 2010 and as such we are determined to ensure that users who have a disability are treated no less favourably because of the physical constraints imposed upon us by the nature of our premises.

We are committed to making reasonable adjustments in order to remove or reduce substantial disadvantage for disabled people working with chambers or receiving legal services. This policy covers all employees of chambers, barristers, clerks, pupils, mini pupils and visitors to chambers.


This policy is circulated to all members, staff, pupils, clerks and those who are required to read and understand it.

Definition of disability

For the purposes of this policy the definition of disability follows that set out in the Equality Act 2010 s.6. A person is therefore disabled if s/he has a physical or mental impairment which has a substantial and long term adverse effect on his/her ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities. ‘Substantial’ means more than minor or trivial and ‘long term’ means 12 months or more.

Types of reasonable adjustment

This policy does not provide an exhaustive list of the reasonable adjustments that Chambers will make for staff, barristers, pupils or visitors however the following types of adjustment that may be made are listed below:

  • Provision of information in alternative formats (e.g. large print, Braille etc)

  • Paid leave for disabled employees of chambers

  • Provision of auxiliary aids e.g. induction loops

  • Provision of accessible conference room facilities

  • Provision of a reader or interpreter

Staff, barristers and others in Chambers

Staff or barristers with specific requirements should make requests to Vicky Beasley (Chambers’ Administrator) for reasonable adjustment decisions. All requests for reasonable adjustments will be considered on a case by case basis with the advice and assistance of Chambers’ Equality and Diversity Officer and where it is not possible to make the adjustment requested, viable alternatives will be discussed with the applicant.

The Head of Chambers is responsible for considering whether or not disabled staff, barristers or pupils require assistance during an emergency evacuation and if so whether or not a personal emergency evacuation plan is required for the individual/s concerned. If so, the plan will be developed in partnership with the individual concerned in order to ensure that adjustments to the emergency evacuation procedure may be made.

Visitors to Chambers

Barristers are responsible for considering reasonable adjustment requests for their visitors. They are also responsible for anticipating any likely reasonable adjustments that will need to be made for visitors whom they know to be disabled and are likely to require assistance. Visitor requests for specific reasonable adjustments may be made by contacting Vicky Beasley on 020 7353 2112.

Cost of making reasonable adjustments

In no circumstances will Two Harcourt Buildings pass on the cost of a reasonable adjustment to a disabled person.

Monitoring and Review

This policy is reviewed by Chambers’ Equality and Diversity Officer every two years.

Version 25.0 Appendix 28 september 2024